Michelé Prince
- Title / Position: Graduate Student
- Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
- Twitter: @mickey06
My name is Michelé Prince. Currently, my day job is scholar-in-training at the University of Maryland in the Department of Women's Studies. My research center Black women's bodies, performance, non-conforming gender expression, masculinity, and racialization within the U.S. context. I looooove to dance and find that I cannot go a day without logging into (and watching) something from netflix. I'm pretty opposed to watching television as its airing and find myself re-watching Buffy, ST: Voyager, and discovering Canadian programming like Lost Girl. Other than that, I love the West Coast and will rep it 'til I die.
Welcome to THATCamp Caribe 2! Join us this year at Casa de Las Américas, in the heart of Habana, from November 4-7. Registration will be open until close to the unconference date. Whether you are faculty, student, librarian or a technologist, whether you are a caribbeanist or a digital humanist, our event promises to have something for you. (Si prefieres leer en español utiliza el boton de 'Translation' debajo de esta casilla).